Digital services: choosing content to boost your employer brand

According to Syntec, a french union representing firms in the engineering, digital technology, consulting, events management and vocational training sectors, skills supply, rather than demand, is what is holding back the growth of digital services companies. This situation underscores the critical importance of strategies to boost employer brand, as recruiting talent and building loyalty among IT consultants, developers, and other technical positions in high demand on the market emerges as one of the main hurdles. Growing their reputation in order to win new customers, promote their solutions and showcase their expertise is another.

To stand out in a highly competitive field, we recommend establishing a tailored communication strategy blending an enhanced digital presence and content that is perfectly calibrated to targets and prospects. We offer a range of formats that will enable you to:

  • spotlight your staff and put a human face to your business
  • be seen as a leader in your ecosystem and take an active part in the digital debate;
  • show that you are an innovative and modern brand that is totally in step with current digital conventions.

The content needed to achieve these goals:

  • Employee interviews, use cases and top tips. Why not bring all of your know-how together in one piece of content? A white paper can showcase your expertise, share your know-how and spotlight your consultants.

  • To win over customers and prospects, nothing beats sharing the story of a successful collaboration! Success stories are perfect for this.

  • Articles analysing an issue or sharing convictions on a key theme can provide real value added to your audiences.

  • Easy to share on all media, opinion pieces add a human touch to your messages while expressing an expert viewpoint and putting a face to your company. This can enhance your credibility with your network.

  • A newsletter can distil your core expertise and spur readers to find out more about your company and know-how.

  • Motion design videos are animated videos that can show off your expertise and convey your messages in a graphic format over which you have total control.

  • Multimedia stories made up of short-form content items are attention-grabbing and pack maximum information into a short space of time. This is a format that is great for all digital channels and especially social media.

  • Snackable content can boost your social media engagement by tackling an issue in 30 seconds and/or referring back to longer-form content on your website.

We can set this strategic content up in partnership with you, boosting your reputation and taking your employer brand to the next level.

Last updated on 7 June 2021 per Team Edito

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