Expert content: showcasing premium healthcare services

What were your goals when you created your blog and starting offering regular content?

We had two main objectives. First, we wanted to create a new kind of link with our community while reaching out to prospects and influencers. Instead of a sales and marketing approach, we were looking to provide information about the life of seniors more generally. Our aim was to provide relevant, leading-edge, overarching information about these issues, where the human aspect is all-important. Second, we wanted to improve our SEO to expand our community.

You want to connect with a clearly-defined audience of caregivers and elderly people. In thinking about editorial choices, what were the main challenges?

We certainly work in a unique sector. To allow ourselves to be guided more effectively in the editorial production process, we first needed to get to know The Editorialist better, and vice versa. We explained our goals, described our health-related businesses, and detailed the topics on which we wanted to communicate. Everything went very smoothly after that. In terms of which topics to cover, there were no particular problems. We field questions from close relatives and caregivers every day, so we are well versed in the topics that might interest our readers.

To provide real added value to our shared content, we decided to write articles from the perspective of people working in health care, who could be experts from either inside or outside the company, while taking care to illustrate clearly what we do in Emera residences. To help us do that, The Editorialist supported us in refining topic areas while also helping us to target and get in touch with health professionals. 

How is this expert content helping to boost your brand image?

We rely heavily on our blog and social media. Posts covering what is going on at residences and menus get many interactions. These local news items pair beautifully with our blog articles. This enables us to dig into subjects and talk about our business, but also to look at what we do from a different perspective. We’ve noticed that the articles on the different jobs done at our residences are of real interest to our readership, and are also used to inform families. They help to show and underline the importance we place on different aspects of senior life. Occasionally, we may also feature in local media depending on what is happening in our residences, as we set great store by fostering local ties.

With support from The Editorialist, we are producing a podcast about sensory stimulation, which is our big theme for the year. Here, we hand the floor to professionals, who speak about the five senses and keeping them stimulated. This provides fascinating material that is designed to diversify our approach to senior life!

What comes next for your editorial strategy?

By maintaining the quality of our content and expertise, we hope to do more to spread the word about our values and how Emera residences operate. We plan to step up communication about our articles because the Life blog now contains a rich store of expert content. The idea is to raise awareness about of this content, not just among Emera employees, through the newsletter, but also among families and caregivers. To achieve this, the blog should soon be accessible via the Emera Connect app.

Last updated on 18 July 2022 per Team Edito

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