Our solution for Allianz Trade

Allianz Trade (formerly Euler Hermes) is the world’s leading provider of credit insurance solutions. With over 62,000 clients worldwide, the company provides bonds and financial guarantees for companies.


When we accepted the brief, Allianz Trade set two main objectives for us:

  • To produce content that would interest and engage audiences unfamiliar with credit insurance. The aim was to communicate on the day-to-day issues faced by these audiences, including cash flow management, collection of overdue payments, etc., while also convincing them to take out insurance, which is a little more expensive than compulsory insurance.
  • To improve search engine optimisation. Allianz Trade shares the insurance market with three other players. The objective was to gain as much exposure as possible to the issues that companies deal with on a daily basis.


To meet these challenges, here are a few examples of the content our teams have produced.

Snack Content

SEO article

To meet the above objectives, we assisted Allianz Trade in producing SEO articles for their blog. Additionally, we have created and written numerous white papers on sector-specific themes (e.g., wholesale, transport) or on particular business themes (e.g., insolvency) to meet commercial needs.
We have also developed new formats, including motion design, sector-specific landing pages for their website, and video content.

This content forms a complementary library that addresses the evolving marketing and business challenges of the organisation, while covering a wide range of subjects, sectors, industries and issues.


white papers
SEO articles
different types of content


Last updated on 4 July 2023 per Team Edito

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