Our solution for Lefebvre Dalloz

Lefebvre Dalloz offers over 400 training courses in a range of specialisms, including business law, banking, taxation, property, real estate, accounting and compliance. Each year, over 15,000 individuals benefit from the group’s training programmes, which are designed to enhance their skills. The group is made up of five subsidiaries: Barchen, Dalloz Formation, Elegia, CSP DOCENDI and Beyond Compliance.


Lefebvre Dalloz produces a series of news briefs and in-depth reports that can be accessed free of charge on its website for the staff it trains. These reports provide information on the latest developments in their areas of expertise. Given the fast-moving nature of current affairs, the training organisation wanted support to reinforce this dynamic and enable them to deal with as many subjects as possible regularly, particularly the most complex, such as IFRS.


To meet these challenges, here are a few examples of the content our teams have produced

In-depth article

Article expert Lefebvre Dalloz

White paper

Livre Blanc Lefebvre Dalloz

In addition to these examples, we also worked with Lefebvre Dalloz on several hundred articles and dozens of white papers. Each month, we proposed five to seven topics and angles to decipher legal, accounting and real estate news in short formats of 500 words or less. This approach combines education and expertise. We also provided other formats, such as interviews with experts on the most complex issues.


articles produced
white papers
topics covered


Last updated on 20 June 2023 per Team Edito

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