Reasons to switch to an integrated annual report?

You already produce multiple reports (annual, sustainability, financial, etc.) and want to maximise their reach? Switching to an integrated annual report is a strategic move that will keep stakeholders happy. The shift towards integrated reporting was originally prompted by the realisation that more traditional financial reports offer only a partial picture of a company’s ability to create and preserve value in the long run. In 2023, 55 companies from the SBF 120 index in France published an integrated report.

Read on to learn about the benefits of integrated reporting and our tips on publishing a successful report.

A global communication tool

An integrated annual report (IAR) is the only report that offers a holistic view of a company’s activities and results, while also satisfying clarity and transparency requirements. It documents performances, but also explains and gives credibility to the company’s strategic stance.

According to the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), integrated reporting aims to “promote a more cohesive and efficient approach to corporate reporting” and “improve the quality of information available to providers of financial capital to enable a more efficient and productive allocation of capital”.

Based on an “integrated thinking” approach, an IAR brings together material information about an organisation’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects. It sheds light on how the company creates value over the short, medium and long term, while reflecting the economic, social and environmental context in which it operates.

It responds directly to the expectations of diverse audiences, including investors, employees, customers and civil society, who want greater transparency not just about your company’s financial results, but also about its social and environmental impact.

In an ever more complex regulatory environment, particularly with the entry into force of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), an integrated report will allow you to structure your information, providing a condensed, consistent vision of your business model, impact and future strategic direction.

An informative summary

Creating an integrated report requires different areas of the company – finance, sustainability, communication, strategy – to work together to produce a single document that everyone can understand. The IAR format reduces the volume of information, while boosting its impact by distilling financial and non-financial results to provide a clearer picture of the company’s strategy and business model.

Key benefits of an integrated annual report

  • Showcase your performances in a holistic manner. An integrated report provides an overview of financial, social and environmental performances, reflecting your consistent and committed strategy.

  • Boost credibility. By adhering to international reference frameworks (SDGs, IIRC, Global Reporting Initiative), an integrated report structures your communication around sound, measurable evidence.

  • Facilitate decision-taking. By highlighting opportunities and risks associated with your sustainability strategy, an integrated report delivers increased transparency to support stakeholder decisions.

  • Adapt to different audiences. The integrated format is more reader-friendly for mixed audiences, helping to build clarity and provide information in an increasingly complex regulatory environment.

  • Improve efficiency. Rather than create an annual report and a separate sustainability report, rationalise your publications by combining them.

    Our tips for a successful integrated annual report

    • Concentrate on summarising. Focus on key aspects and messages. Prioritise clear, concise and visual treatment of information.

    • Think about the narrative. Create engaging storytelling by using real and impactful examples to illustrate your advances.

    • Explain your trajectory. A successful IAR will cover current performances, but also your quantitative targets and vision for the future.

    • Take a multi-channel and multimedia approach. Adopt a digital distribution strategy to amplify the reach of your messages.

    A strategic investment for the future

    Producing an IAR will turn your annual report into a strategic communication tool that resonates with audiences inside and outside the organisation. An integrated report promotes communication that will edify and inform readers not only about your results but also about your strategic priorities and future direction. It becomes a lever to strengthen stakeholder confidence while responding to regulatory requirements and society’s expectations.

    Interested in switching to an integrated annual report?

    Last updated on 10 January 2025 per Julianne Clamens

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