Thought leadership & blog: showcasing expertise

The Editorialist: The Tessi Insights blog celebrates its third birthday this year. Can you tell us about how this project started? What were your goals in launching the blog? 

Guillaume Gartioux: To give companies access to a comprehensive and clear range of solutions while showcasing our expertise and continuing to create more value added for its customers, the Tessi Group decided to overhaul its identity by establishing a single brand. This turning point was accompanied by work to revamp our brand image and, consequently, our online presence. The Tessi #Insights blog rounded out a 360° communication programme, taking an educational approach to the issues encountered by businesses navigating the digital transition.

T.E.: Why was setting up a blog the best response?

G. G.: The aim of the blog was to get some distance and take a communication approach based around specific product solutions. We wanted to show our customers and prospects how we could work on different topics, while examining these questions both in depth and from unusual perspectives. We were able to do this by combining the views of internal and external experts for each issue. From a technical perspective, we wanted to improve our SEO and digital positioning. Working with The Editorialist helped us to build up our expertise. And the blog turned out to be perfectly suited to the task of offering high-quality content with genuine staying power.

T.E.: How have you incorporated the blog in your communication strategy?

G. G.: The Tessi #Insights blog is now one of the main access channels to the Tessi website. It provides fuel for all our communication activities. Every issue is the subject of communications that are designed in partnership with The Editorialist. We employ two main distribution approaches: a monthly newsletter that emails the entire issue out to subscribers, and social media posts that take readers back to the blog articles.

T.E.: How would you assess the digital media programme created by The Editorialist?

G. G.: The Editorialist has helped us to build our reputation on the Business Process Services market. Newsletter opening rates tell us that we have a loyal readership. From a technical perspective, the blog has helped to mesh our different platforms.

In addition, we opted to offer theme-based special features designed with specific targets in mind, rather than for our general audience. After 19 issues, we have managed to cover all of our areas of expertise. From here on, we are starting to work on themes vertically, by including new markets, such as real estate and public services. This strategy not only highlights the quality of the advice that we provide but also strengthens our brand’s global reach through showcasing our expertise. Customers now know about the Tessi #Insights platform and are familiar with Tessi’s unique identity. They have come to see us as a standard-setter in our areas of expertise. In short, Tessi #Insights does an impressive job of reflecting our brand’s competencies.

Last updated on 9 February 2022 per Team Edito

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